Wednesday, November 26, 2008

So Thankful!!

Since Thanksgiving is on the 27th of the month, I thought it was a good idea to give you 27 things that I am thankful for. This was a lot of fun.
I am thankful for...
1. Troy
2. my parents
3. the gospel
4. my new car
5. Marquel
6. electricity
7. indoor plumbing
8. my education
9. my home
10. that I have a job
11. being in the mountain
12. Family
13. the moisture we are finally recieving
14. my health
15. my kids health
16. sunshine
17. my friends
18. money
19. someone else cooking thanksgiving dinner
20. Sports
21. sippy cups
22. hair straightners
23. air condition homes
24. my shoes
25. good books
26. the armed forces
27. our freedom
Wow! That was surprisingly easy. I was kinda on a roll and could have kept going, but I said 27 so I am stopping. Take a second and try this for yourself!

I tag:


Rebecca and Ryan Withers said...

I check your blog all the time and i don't know if your tagging me or the other becky on your blog friends! If its me you should put
Becky W. love and miss ya

Annette said...

Teresa, ya know I love ya, but I didn't notice I was on your tag! Since it's a little late to do it, catch me again on the next one and I promise I will do it!