Monday, November 3, 2008

Can you spell D I S A S T E R ? ? ?

So I need to tell you all about the crazy week that the Mitchell's had. It all began Saturday morning when Troy and I got up and started looking around the house for something to eat for breakfast... Troy wanted eggs and hashbrowns, and I wanted pancakes. What-ev, Troy won and I began cooking the hashbrowns. (Real, from potatoes that I pealed and then shredded) After we ate breakfast I began to do the dishes. Well, I started up the garbage disposal, and to my surprise it didn't work. The disposal was just churning and churning.. So I had Troy check out the dang thing. Well, there was a big crack in the machine, and was no longer able to work. So off to Home Depot to get a new one. Well, an hour later and $100.00 less in our bank account we had a new disposal... Troy installed it, and we took if for a trial run... It ran without a niche.. So things are good at the Mitchell house right...? WRONG!! I started a load of dishes on Monday night, and off to work I went on Tuesday. I got home from work on tuesday, and thought that I should unload the dishwasher, so I could run my new dishes threw so we could use them. Excitement right? WRONG again. I opened the dishwasher and saw that the bottom was clear full of water, and beginning to leak all over the floor. Once again I called Troy over and we attempted to fix the darn thing. An hour later and not a lot of luck going our way we were back on our way to Home Depot to buy a dish washer. So an hour later and this time $700.00 less in our bank account we are new owners of a LG dishwasher. Now I only wish the darn thing would get here!!

Under our sink.. Anything missing???

The broken machine!!

Waiting for the new equipment!!

So in a totall of 4 days we are the proud owners of a new garbage disposal and dish washer.. Sure hope we don't have any other applience go out ;)

Where is my new dishwasher!!

So while waiting for my dishwasher I am having to do dishes the old fashion way... By HAND!! I have a new appreciation for dishwashers!! I just want mine to hurry and get here!!


Annette said...

You are hilarious! Sorry about the breakdowns...they usually happen in watch out! Just kidding. I have been waiting forever for you to post again, so I am so glad you have gotten busy! Ha!

The Wright's said...

Sorry to hear about the D I S A S T E R S!!! When it rains it poors and like Annette said, DISASTERS usually happen in 3's. WATCH OUT!!! lol jk It was fun to see you on Friday night, I was a little out of my mind but it was so much fun!!! BTW, I love the new dishes, Troy did good!!!

the Rose's said...

Wow! That's a bummer of a couple of days in a row. I am not coaching up here yet. I miss it a little, but I absolutely love being with Abby. Thanks for letting me know that you view my blog and that you still care! I miss Cedar City and CV. I'm also sad for Steve. I hope Susie is ok. I can imagine that is hard for her. Let her know I care next time you talk to her. I'll write her a note after it quiets down a little. You're the best Teresa.

Katie McCaul said...

OH my! I don't know if I could do dishes by hand...j/k but i am sure it sucks. The things we take for granted.