Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The BIG Hunt!!

So as you all know it has been the deer hunt, and if any of you know me, you know that Troy is the most avid deer hunter around. Both he and Kayla look forward to 5 glorious days of bonding and looking for that "monster buck"They spends 2 days before making sure their guns are ready to go, that they have enough ammo and finding his "hunter orange" if they cannot locate a bright enough orange they must go and buy new!(and may I say it is not easy finding "hunter orange" anywhere in this great town that we live in!!) groceries are another must on the hunting list. Lunchable, jerky, water and trailmix are a must.

This year for the hunt Marquel and I were in Richfield where my volleyball team was playing in a tournament... So we were not around for the first morning adventures. But I do know that they were up and out of the house by 5:00 a.m. and on their way to getting the "big one" The two of them didn't have any success on saturday and came home empty handed on Sunday. They have been following two pretty large bucks for the last couple of years on and Monday morning set out to hopefully bring one of them home. But this year they would come home empty handed and lost the "battle of the buck"
Well, needless to say that while those two were out hunting deer, Marquel and I were out "hunting" department stores, that is. Marquel has been in need of a new winter coat, so while in town we stopped and were able to find this one.. I think it is adorable, and that Marquel and I had a very successful hunt... Now wouldn't you agree?

We also found this adorable shirt! We both fell in love with it, Marquel just had to have it, so I just had to buy it for her...:)


michael. mindy. dane. said...

Okay so i had this random dream last night that I went with you to take Marquel to her very first softball game. She was really scared and didn't like it and wanted to go home until I talked her into doing some cheers...those ones we all love from softball. ha. Then she was happy. It was strange. ANyway, happy blogging :)

Annette said...

Your blog is awesome! Way cute stuff! I'm calling you when I need help with mine!

Ashley said...

I know! I'm really sad volleyball is over! I don't know quite what to do with myself haha..i miss everyone. But ya let me know about the banquet, that'll be fun!

cpcox99 said...

I think I'm better at your kind of hunting than Troy's hunting. Maybe he'll catch his monster buck next year. You and Marquel found some great clothes!

Did Troy hear about that spider bull that was shot down south? Have him check out this link if not: