Monday, October 13, 2008


Sunday we woke up to a winter wonder land!! After watching the weather, and telling Marquel that there could possibily be snow in the
northern part of the state, Marquel was ready to pack our bags and head north to gain a better chance of being able to play in the snow. So you can imagine the surprise she woke up too.

Enough snow that she could actually make a snow angel... So up and at um, snow boots and coat... We must make a snow angel! Marquel had to find the perfect spot on the lawn, spot found, and only one set of tracks to get to the site! She made her snow angel and then played in the snow for hours, the Mitchell family is so ready for winter! Well, the snow part of it anyway:)

So here is how you make the perfect Marquel Snow Angel.....

And there you have it!! The "Perfect" Marquel Snow Angel!!


Katie McCaul said...

How fun! I am not ready for snow yet though.

Sassy Lu said...

I always loved making snow angels. I think my younger kids have only played in the snow once or twice. Isn't that sad??? Anyway, have fun in all of that cool, white stuff!!! I'm completely jealous!

Stacy said...

Beautiful snow angel! I love winter, not the driving part, but the playing in the snow part! Everything looks so beautiful with a blanket of snow!!

cpcox99 said...

What a great snow angel. We didn't get any snow at our much for weather forecasters. :)