Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Picture Tag...

So I was looking at Nikki's blog tonight, and saw this; *photo tag.* I thought it looked like fun, and so I gave it a try. Here is how you do it. You go to your 9th folder, then the 22nd picture. This is what I found.

This is a picture of Marquel just after I finished doing her hair and getting her ready for school. It never fails that when I finish getting her ready, and I think she is having a good hair day, that I take a picture of her. This picture is of just that. I got her ready for school, loved her hair and her outfit, and so snapped a shot!! Isn't she adorable?

I tag: Tara, Carrie, Stephanie, Emily, and anyone else that would like to do this. It was a ton of fun!!


Sassy Lu said...

What a cutie-pa-tutie!!!