Saturday, June 28, 2008

Summer time=Pool time

For two years now Marquel has been begging for a swimming pool that we could put into our back yard. So last year my mom and dad bought 2 new t.v.'s at R.C. Willey and were able to buy a 2 1/2 swimming pool for $50.00. My mom called that night and told Marquel that she had just got a swimming pool, Marquel was so excited that she could hardly wait to go and visit grandma and grandpa, my mom didn't inform me of this new pool, on our way to my parents house Marquel kept telling me that grandma was going let her go swimming, I figured the new Manti pool, but when we got to their house Marquel ran around back. In just a couple of seconds, I see Marquel coming around the side of the house with a sad face saying "Grandma didn't set up the pool, grandma didn't set up the pool." Well we got into the house and that was the first thing Marquel wanted to do. Yet instead of setting up the pool, my mom convinced me to buy the pool from her so Marquel could play in it all summer long, and not just a couple of weekends a year.

Reed, Marquel, Courtney, Kaylee

I bought the pool from my mom, and to much anticipation finally got it set up last week. Marquel patiently waited for another year, but is now enjoying it on a daily basis.
Here is a day in the life of Marquel with her swimming pool: Wake up, eat breakfast, and then wait and watch t.v. until 11:00 a.m.

It's finally 11 so she jumps into her swim-suit and take the net out to clean all the bug out of the pool (yuck) during this time her friend have come over and they are ready to take the plunge. Marquel and her friends will spend the remainder of the day in and out of the water. Ooh to be a kid again!

It's so cold was all I heard

Dead man float


michael. mindy. dane. said...

Looks like fun! I am not the head coach, just an assistant, but I love it! And I, too, love South Summit and the kids here!