Thursday, June 12, 2008

Lumpia aka Egg Rolls

During softball season we had a team party at one of the players houses and her mom made egg rolls and ham fried rice. It was delicious to say the least, Troy loved the meal, and I decided that I would love to learn how to make it.
Yesterday was the day... Mary and Bonnie (Christiana) came over to my house to teach me. I have to see before I can do. They gave me a list of the engridience that would be needed, and I set out to the grocery store. Here is what I came back with. I have never used some of the engridience so I though that this was going to be a lot of fun, and a great challenge. We spent about two hours making everything and then finally got to roll the egg rolls.
I was quite impressed with myself, for they turned out really well.

I was not the only one that thought they turned out well.
And by the look on Troy's face you can see that he absolutly loved them. I am sure that they will now become one of the top five favorite dinners in the Mitchell home!!


The Wright's said...

LOL, love the picture of Troy!!!

michael. mindy. dane. said...

Oh my heck! How did I not even know you had a blog? That's awesome about getting a job! I'm sure it will be a ton of fun. Glad to hear from you!

Kim said...

Sounds yummy! Could you send some of those my way? That is way too many ingredients for me to be attempting something like that. Oh wait, I don't even cook mac-n-cheese these days. Maybe when Matt's home I'll get the recipe from you, he LOVES LOVES LOVES egg rolls!

Mark & Nicki Wintch said...

Oooh yum!! Takes me back to the days of "Choices" and their spring rolls! Remember the white sauce? Send me this recipe!!!!