Sunday, July 26, 2009

The painting bug

Since I painted my bathroom and I thought that it turned out so cute, I thought I would take up another challenge... Paint Marquel's bedroom! To take it one step farther, I thought I would paint some stripes on her wall, easy, right? Well, it wasn't that hard, just took a lot of time! I still need to add the chair rail but, so far I am really pleased with the end result.

Marquel has been staying with my parents and my brother Jared and his wife Traci for a week, so she hasn't seen the results. I sure hope she loves the new look of her room!


April Leydsman Mason said...

I LOVE IT!!! You are so crafty.

Jake, Ashlee, and Jaxon Gardner said...

WOW could you come paint my room like that?! LOL Painting one coat of paint is a lot of work-you are a painting guru! I bet she will be so excited when she gets home!

Emily said...

Wow! That's looks really good! Will you come paint for me! I need my whole house done! I've been living with white walls since we moved in (october)!! How are things anyway! I'm doing good. 6 months along. Dying of the heat and still working! :( LOL

cpcox99 said...

It looks great! I need to get motivated to paint my hallway - maybe you could come do it for me? :)